Employee Name * Abby Amber Anna Bella Chloe Chandlar Jav Jensen Katie Kiana Lexi Maddie Maliyah Martha Megan Samantha L. Stephanie Email Collection: BLOND ABSOLU * Select the products you would like to order. If you would like to order more than 1 of a product you have selected, please specify that quantity in the text area below (see formatting example). If you would not like to order any products from this category, please check the first box "I do not want to order from this collection". I do not want products from this collection. Bain Lumiere Bain Ultra-Violet Le Bain Cicaextreme Cicaflash Masque Cicaextreme Masque Ultra-Violet Serum Cicanuit Huile Cicaextreme Cicaplasme BLOND ABSOLU (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: CHROMA ABSOLU * I do not want products from this collection. Bain Chroma Respect Bain Riche Chroma Respect Fondant Cica Chroma Masque Vert Chroma Neutralisant Chroma Filler Hair Mask Soin Acide Chroma Gloss Serum Chroma Thermique CHROMA ABSOLU (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: CHRONOLOGISTE * I do not want products from this collection. Bain Régénérant Pre-Cleanse Régénérant Masque Intense Régénérant Serum Universel Hair Serum L'Huile De Parfum Thermique Régénérant CHRONOLOGISTE (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: CURL MANIFESTO * I do not want products from this collection. Bain Hydratation Douceur Fondant Hydratation Essentielle Masque Beurre Haute Nutrition Crème de Jour Fondamentale Refresh Absolu CURL MANIFESTO (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: DENSIFIQUE * I do not want products from this collection. Bain Densité Fondant Densité Densimorphose DENSIFIQUE (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: DISCIPLINE * I do not want products from this collection. Bain Fluidealiste Fondant Fluidealiste Maskeratine Keratine Thermique Fluidissime Bain Oléo-Relax Masque Oléo-Relax Oléo-Relax Advanced Hair Oil DISCIPLINE (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: ELIXIR ULTIME * I do not want products from this collection. Le Bain Le Fondant Le Masque L'Huile Original ELIXIR ULTIME (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: GENESIS * I do not want products from this collection. Bain Hydra-Fortifiant Fondant Renforçateur Masque Reconstituant Serum Fortifiant Defense Thermique GENESIS (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: INITIALISTE * I do not want products from this collection. Initialiste Serum INTITALIASTE (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1, otherwise list how many you would like. Collection: NUTRITIVE * I do not want products from this collection. Bain Satin Bain Satin Riche Lait Vital Masquintense Masquintense Riche Lotion Thermique Sublimatrice Nectar Thermique Nutri-Supplement Scalp Serum Nutri-Supplement Split Ends Serum 8H Magic Night Serum NUTRITIVE (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: RESISTANCE * I do not want products from this collection. Bain Force Architecte Ciment Anti-Usure Masque Force Architecte Ciment Thermique Bain Thérapiste Masque Thérapiste Sérum Thérapiste Bain Extentioniste Fondant Extentioniste Masque Extentioniste Serum Extentioniste Extentioniste Thermique RESISTANCE (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: SPECIFIQUE * I do not want products from this collection. Bain Divalent Potentialiste Serum Argile Équilibrante Scrub Energisant Scrub Apaisant SPECIFIQUE (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. Collection: STYLING * I do not want products from this collection. Fresh Affair Laque Couture Laque Extreme STYLING (quantity specifications) Collection: SYMBIOSE * I do not want products from this collection. Bain Crème Antipelliculaire Scalp Renewal Exfoliating Antidandruff Scalp Scrub Fondant Apaisant Essentiel Revitalisant Essentiel Hydrating Hair Mask Serum Nuit Antipelliculaire SYMBIOSE (quantity specifications) Leave blank if you are ordering only 1 of each product selected or are not ordering from this category. An itemized receipt for your order will be sent to the email provided. Payment for employee orders is deducted from the next regularly scheduled payroll.